The Curve of the bean's growth,
the influence of the climatical conditions on the plants' growth.
      The team consisting of: Marta Bielańska, Paweł Adamkiewicz and Krystian Cieślak by less than the half of the year investigated the research with the bean's seeds. The aim of our experiment was to, the preliminary qualification of probable example had to be and the shape of mathematical curve, describing change of the height of the stem of the bean depending on time. On the basis of the professional literature and the observations made we aimed qualify the conditions, in which the bean's stem achieves the largest height
      To realize our project we subjected experiment 32 bean's seedling. The research was led in two independent centers placed in our flats so ( in each of them 16 seeds were examined) to compare the grown of the plant in different climatical conditions. Wanting to reach this we created the environmental conditions similar to the grasslands of Czarnomorska Lowland as well as the western coast of Estonia. We led farming. During 20 days due to bean's regular measurements we achieved the graph of the influence of time on the plant's growth. The object of our researching was the bean so called „The Beautiful John'. This kind of bean does not require special nurturing therefore we chose it to our investigations, setting the small farming. The additional condition having influence on the bean's development was the way of watering it. We divided the plants into 4 groups, each of them was watered in a different way. We have chosen different sources of water. We used the water from the Słupia river, the mineral water and solution of fertilizers- ecological and chemical.
      By the end of lasting 20 days of investigations, we collected the results and we approached to their analysis. We created the measurements representing the dependence of the bean's growth from microclimate graphs and the delivered water, and first of all gave us to qualify general curve of the bean's growth, which was the main aim of our investigations. It is then curve the most approximate to graph about example x = y / 3,74 for y e < 0, 30) and x = 1/120 y2 for y e < 30, 60). We got graphs of day bean's increase also in dependence from climate also and nutritious contained components in water. After preliminary analysis got in both climates graphs do not differ considerably. It was can however notice sure differences. Only these seedlings in Estonian climate unrolled, which held out selection natural. However all seeds in Ukrainian microclimate developed. This translates them approximate height. Necrosis 2 plants in final stage of investigations was the effect of lack of natural selection i.e. 17 and 18 day. They were then the watered near help of mineral water seedlings. They by all the time of duration of investigations 2 plants came off these their height considerably from remaining. The fertilizers used by us did not demonstrate their influence considerably - the bean's height after their usage was larger about 2 or 3cm. The effect of usage of fertilizers would be more visible in future crops presumably, however this was not the aim of our research.
      The research conducted by our team is not precise due to several reasons. Better results would be achieved if we had more time for our experiment. Unfortunately we were limited by the time of the research. /the plant would grow better in spring (the best time would be the second half of May) as it would get the necessary dose of the rays of the sun. The result of our experiment would be more approximate to the real life conditions if we had the sufficient area to conduct the research will help with the bean's farming and other leguminous plants in different climatical conditions.